CPlay Projects Supporters and Contributors

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CPlayTeam 2020


We are a passionate group of volunteers focused on improving community wellbeing and enhancing the Timaru District by developing a fully inclusive and uniquely Timaru destination playground at Caroline Bay.

Our team brought a range of perspectives ranging from artists, project managers, scientists, architects, artists, media, graphic and web design, community initiatives, business ownership, early child development and education and local government. Most important of all we are parents, grandparents and proud Timaru-vians.

The committee worked alongside key project partners the Timaru District Council, Aoraki Development, Playground Centre (professional playground design company), Creo, Rooney Earthmoving, Te Rūnanga o Arowhenua, to ensure a fantastic outcome. We also brought the community along for the ride with an extensive public consultation, and had lots of ways locals could contribute via donations and work in kind.

We would like to acknowledge everyone who has been on this journey with us, who has offered feedback and suggestions to evolve our brief. Helped raise funds, donated, supported, supplied and helped to construct the playground.

LOCATION: Caroline Bay, Timaru


  • CPlay's vision is to create an inclusive destination playground for all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.
  • A volunteer group was formed to revitalize the Caroline Bay Playground in Timaru with a design that reflects the locals stories.
  • Emphasis and priority on inclusivity, local heritage, and setting a standard for designing public spaces.
  • Community collaboration was crucial in the project's success, with various groups in Timaru involved.
  • The playground design includes equipment for different age groups, sensory components, and other inclusive features based on community feedback.
  • Generous contributions from donors provided essential funding for the project.
  • Design efforts involved the community and industry partners, with Rooney Earthmoving, Creo, and Playground Centre playing key contractor roles.
  • Design highlights include a bespoke lighthouse, shipwreck, bespoke whare, surface design, and artwork.
  • The playground shares stories for visual appeal, to inspire imaginative play and help people learn about the area to better know themselves.
  • The project's success is attributed to the collective efforts of playground users, volunteers, council, designers, and workers.
  • CPlay's playground aims to provide a range of play options so there is something for everyone so we can all play together - for lots of ages, abilities, sizes, and interests, thanks to community engagement and passionate individuals shaping the community.

TIMEFRAME: Five years from first funding received to planning and consultation by local volunteers with professional playground designers and suppliers. Due to open November 2023.

BUDGET: 3 Million NZD. Fundraised from community individuals, clubs, societies, grants, work in kind, and the Timaru District Council.


Noticed damage, graffiti, rubbish etc?  Please contact Timaru District Coucil via their "Snap, Send, Solve" app or form: timaru.govt.nz/fix-it

For urgent attention phone Customer Services 03 687 7200.

You can still reach our volunteers via email, just keep in mind we are not actively monitoring our messages, so thank you for your patience if we take some time to respond. info@cplay.co.nz

1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

©2020-2025 CPlay and  Website Sponsored by Cloake Creative   Images are subject to copyright by various contributors - for the sole use of CPlay.