We are a passionate group of volunteers focused on improving community wellbeing and enhancing the Timaru District by developing a fully inclusive and uniquely Timaru destination playground at Caroline Bay.
(Alphabetical order)
Alice Brice Grant Applications Lead
Brent Birchfield Corporate Fundraising
Chris Fauth Consultation, Grants & Design Team
Francine Spencer Cultural Liaison & Design Team
Graham Ward Project Manager & Design Team
John Rushton Design Oversight & Design Team
Leanne Prendeville Donations Secretary
Louise Haley Events Co-Ordinator & Project Support
Lynette Wilson Secretary
Owen Jackson (OJ) CPlay Chair & Corporate Fundraising
Roselyn Fauth Communications, Research & Design Team
Sarah Dumicich-Mills Project Support
Vicki Gould Project Support
Thank you to some of our previous committee members:
Amy Pateman
Melissa Rutland
Meet our committee: Back row from left: Francine Spencer, Brent Birchfield, Amy Pateman, Melissa OKeefe, Owen Jackson (OJ) Alice Brice, Leanne Prendeville. Front row: Sarah Mills, Lynette Wilson, Roselyn Fauth, Chris Fauth

Hi i'm Alice. A mum of 2 kids who is keen to see a more challenging playground for my growing kids. I am helping with the fundraising, particularly the grant applications. It has been a great learning experience being part of a fantastic / motivated team working towards such a great asset for Timaru.

Hi I’m Brent Birchfield also known as The Captain of Port FM. During my 28 years in the radio business in South Canterbury, it was great to be able to support the people and organisations in our community in so many different ways. Now out of radio for three years, it is good to work with OJ in bringing about CPlay. I know he likes me keeping him grounded! I assist in a variety of ways. I now have five very young grandchildren so find myself at many playgrounds throughout the country. They are such fun places for kids and with the proposed ideas for CPlay, I know it will a real treat for children and grown- ups to enjoy.

Hi I am Chris. Roselyn and I have two girls, Medinella and Annabelle who have grown up with this project as a part of their daily lives. I have had varied roles on the committee from helping with community consultation, choosing play equipment, assisting our fundraising team with grant applications, and being a part of the design team. A highlight was talking with the community and hearing many great ideas and aspirations which we have been able to carry through into the new playground space. Working alongside the community should help to ensure everyone regardless of age, ability and interests will find something to interact with and enjoy.

Her tribal affiliations are father :Taranaki.
Mother :Waitaha,
Kati Mamoe, Rapuwai, and Ngāi Tahu.
A proud Southern Women. Born in Christchurch and living in Temuka now on her family land. Multimedia artist and a Arowhenua representative. She studied at Toihoukura in Gisborne, Māori Visual art and design, Learning traditional knowledge and practice's Māori. Leaving with a degree in fine arts. "My art is not mine But the art of my people".

Hello, I'm John Rushton, Father of three boys, husband of one Vicki and an Architect by profession. Caroline Bay is a special public space and I have enjoyed being involved in a number of community projects including the skate park design, bike skills park design and the Alexander Life-boat shelter thats on its way. It is exciting seeing each new project offer more diversity and activities and I have enjoyed helping the designs to link in a cohesive way. I am involved with the CPlay project for a variety of reasons. I bring my designs skills to the group along with a passion for providing the best for our districts kids, our families, and wider whanau. Its an exciting project with a desire by the whole team to achieve a vibrant play focused space that reflects our place and its people.

Hi, I’m Lynette. Born and raised in Timaru, I have fond childhood memories of Caroline Bay and the opportunities for play it has provided to many generations of children growing up. With grandchildren of my own, I now enjoy making memories with them through their play and am excited to be involved as part of the CPlay committee, planning for the refurbishment of the Caroline Bay playground and enhancing the potential for fun and creativity. I am passionate about our community and encouraging our youth and young adults to achieve their goals within a safe environment, it is important that they are able to play and relax in an environment that also provides a challenge.

Hi I'm Owen Jackson (OJ) and I've been a passionate advocate for an inclusive destination playground at Caroline Bay for the past 3 years or so. It's been a privilege to lead the CPlay team and together create a unique playground space to learn, grow, connect and most importantly have FUN. In particular the past year has made us all realize how important it is to connect and look after our health and well being. An upgraded Caroline Bay Playground ticks all the right boxes, it shares some of our story and gives the Timaru district an asset they can be really proud of for now and for generations to come.

Hi, I'm Rose. Chris and I have two girls and have lots of fun at the Districts 43 playgrounds. So excited to be a part of the CPlay team. I've been helping with graphic design, social media and the website. The stories that help shape the brief were really fascinating to me and I've really enjoyed listening and learning to help pull this together. Knowing where we have come from, helps our kids better know themselves.

Hello, I am Sarah Mills and I'm a mother of 5 kids. I'm really passionate about creating a playground that caters to all ages. I also love history so I've loved learning about the history of Timaru which is where my husband and kids are from. This new playground will be an amazing asset to Timaru and can't wait for my kids and everyone else kids and family to be able to enjoy it for many many years.
Big thank you to our families, friends, clubs, associations and work places that support us to create the new playground for Caroline Bay