Please contact the Timaru District Council in the first instance.
You can still reach our volunteers via email, just keep in mind we are not actively monitoring our messages, so thank you for your patience if we take some time to respond. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Noticed damage, graffiti, rubbish etc? Please contact The Timaru District Council by using their "Snap, Send, Solve" app or by reporting a problem to them here: https://www.timaru.govt.nz/tell-us/fix-it-form For urgent attention to any problem phone Customer Services on 03 687 7200.
Are there toilets available on the playground site? Providing toilets on the playground site was beyond the capacity of our volunteer team. However, we have future-proofed the design, allowing for toilets in the playground's design. There are public toilets in the building opposite the mini golf and a toilet block beside the bird aviary and behind the Bay Hall. There are also toilets and changing rooms down on the sand under the look out.
Can the surface temperature change? Like many other surfaces such as sand, concrete, or asphalt, wet-pour rubber can become warm in the sunlight. We recommend wearing shoes and being careful, just like you would if you were walking over the sand in the Summer.
Where can I leave my bike?
There are bike stands infront of the shelter at the Timaru Suburban Lions Bike Skills Park. We ask people to keep the bikes, scateboards scooters etc... out of the play areas so it is safer and to reduce congestion.
Is the paddling pool area part of the CPlay project? The paddling pool area was not part of the CPlay project. We did explore water play options, and decided it was beyond what our small team of volunteers could manage. The space is still available, and another group may consider it for future development.
Is there sand pit?
No, we consulted on this with the community and TDC. The feedback was that people could choose to play at the beach if they wanted sand play. Maintenance of sand pits are high, particualy keeping it free of rubbish, to stop it blowing out of the pit and keeping it clear of cat faeces.
Why are some of the equipment items difficult to reach?
To make sure young children cannot easily access more challenging items without adult supervision.
What additional features can we expect in the future? We have plans for more furniture, a new signage area, an "story circle," an AAC Core Board for non-verbal individuals, and a sensory garden. We deliberately waited to assess how the playground is received and used over the next few weeks before implementing these. We have designed a shade sail, but at this stage, as we do not have the funds to create and install them it is on our nice-to-have list.
Is there a plan for enhancing accessibility for non-verbal individuals? Yes, we are working through the finishing touches to an AAC Core Board for non-verbal individuals, ensuring inclusivity and accessibility within the playground environment. This is in collaboration with the Talk Link Trust.
Will there be more public BBQs? We are very grateful to the Timaru Rotary Club who donated new double and accessible BBQs and shade sail to the project. We would love to see more, the limitation at this stage is the amount of power that is available on site.
What has happened to the old equipment? This went into storage for the Timaru District Council to decide what to do with. The yellow horse and rope pyramid was re-sited, we were given a new mouse wheel and the metal slide stayed as it was.
Are you still fundraising?
At this stage, yes we are still happy to accept donations (via Aoraki Foundation) to go towards the sensory garden.
Are dogs allowed in the playground?
No. The Timaru District Council Dog Control Bylaw specifies where dogs are permitted, prohibited and where they maybe exercised off the leash provided they are still under control. Dogs are prohibited Within 10 metres of any child's play equipment or play area or paddling pool in any park or reserve, or of any aviary in any park or reserve, at Caroline Bay and Caroline Bay Beach Tidal Area – 1 October to 31 March inclusive each year and access to the beach tidal area is via Virtue Avenue to northern carpark and from the Loop Road to Marine Parade to the Marine Parade carpark.
To offer suggestions / feedback, please complete the form below. Thank you.
(Alphabetical order)
Alice Brice Grant Applications Lead
Brent Birchfield Corporate Fundraising
Chris Fauth Consultation, Grants & Design Team
Francine Spencer Cultural Liaison & Design Team
Graham Ward Project Manager & Design Team
John Rushton Design Oversight & Design Team
Leanne Prendeville Donations Secretary
Louise Haley Events Co-Ordinator & Project Support
Lynette Wilson Secretary
Owen Jackson (OJ) CPlay Chair & Corporate Fundraising
Roselyn Fauth Communications, Research & Design Team
Sarah Dumicich-Mills Project Support
Vicki Gould Project Support
Thank you to some of our previous committee members:
Amy Pateman
Melissa Rutland