CPlay Projects Supporters and Contributors

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We didn't do it for the praise, we did it for the result.

Our community is absolutely amazing, and we were blown away by how generous people were with their time and donations. No strings attached, a gift was a gift, so many donations were anonymous. It was important to CPlay to make sure every gift was recognized and to celebrate the contribution and impact of individual volunteers. We did this by creating some guidelines on what we would do for various size donations, and we made sure we then exceeded the expectations people had when they made their gift. 

Some of the ways we recognized people was by

  • Sending a receipt and a thank you letter to acknowledge donation.
  • Thanking people personally, on social media, as posts, articles, live video, video interviews, news releases radio interviews and acknowledgment signage.
  • Giving guided tours and regular updates during the construction and when it opened.
  • Being on site to assist contractors and hosting morning teas and lunches.
  • The Timaru District Council was kind enough to recognize contributions with their community service award.

We also used our social media and guest speaking events to highlight the impact volunteers can create in their community. Our team has been invited to share their stories at external events e.g. interviews, webinars, and community meetings to talk about their work and motivation to increase the visibility of volunteers. 


CPlay volunteer high viz vests


Volunteering weaves us together, strengthening the fabric of our community and to help create a diverse, inclusive, and connected future.  

CPlay was an opportunity to inspire others within the community to get involved, to advocate for the needs and interests of their community and make a difference. This empowerment led to increased civic engagement and participation.

CPlay highlighted the strengths, achievements, and contributions of community members both internally and externally. 

We helped bridge between council and community, facilitating communication, collaboration, and partnerships  that benefited the community as a whole. CPlay lobbied for better play to bring about positive change.


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 BBQ Shout for our contractors Graham Ward, Project Manager and Owen Jackson (OJ) CPlay Chairperson - Photo Roselyn Fauth

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Karl Te Raki (representing both Te Runanga O Arowhenua and Ngai Tahu), Francine Spencer (Arowhenua representative the CPlay Design team)  Roselyn Fauth (CPlay volunteer, Timaru District Mayor Nigel Bowan, MP James Meager, Owen Jackson (OJ) (CPlay Chairperson, Bill Steans (Parks & Recreation Manager) - Photo Geoff Cloake


First Family to play when the fences came down

First family to officially play when the construction fences were removed. 


Every donation counts

Kids looking for their names on the donation signage - every donation was recognized.

  • Gratitude and Appreciation: Acknowledging each donation demonstrates gratitude and appreciation for the support received from individuals, businesses, and organizations within the community. It shows that every contribution, regardless of size, is valued and makes a difference in achieving the fundraising goals.
  • Inclusivity: Recognizing every donation promotes inclusivity and encourages participation from all members of the community. It sends a message that everyone's involvement is welcomed and appreciated, regardless of their financial capacity.
  • Community Engagement: By publicly acknowledging donations, fundraisers can engage the broader community and generate excitement and momentum for the project. It encourages others to get involved and contribute, fostering a sense of collective ownership and pride in the playground initiative.
  • Transparency: Recognizing all donations promotes transparency in the fundraising process by providing visibility into how funds are being raised and allocated. It builds trust and confidence among donors, ensuring they feel informed and involved in the project's progress.
  • Motivation for Future Giving: Recognizing donations motivates others to give by highlighting the impact of previous contributions. It creates a positive feedback loop where donors see the tangible results of their generosity, inspiring them to continue supporting the project or future fundraising efforts.
  • Strengthening Community Bonds: Publicly acknowledging donations fosters a sense of community and unity among residents, businesses, and organizations. It strengthens relationships and builds connections, reinforcing the collective commitment to enhancing the community through the playground project.


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CPlay TempThankYouSign

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AliceBrice Kids

Celebrating with our families, who were on the CPlay ride too!


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Celebrating together - some of the CPlay team


CPlay NigelBowanPresentsCommunityAwardToFrancineSpencer RF Dec2023

Community Awards were presented by the Timaru District Council to CPlay Volunteers


Officially recognizing volunteers in a public playground fundraising and build project is essential for acknowledging their contributions, motivating continued participation, engaging the community, inspiring others, building relationships, promoting gratitude, and documenting their legacy.


  • Acknowledgment of Contribution: Officially recognizing volunteers publicly acknowledges their valuable contributions to the project. It demonstrates appreciation for their time, effort, and dedication in supporting the community initiative.
  • Motivation and Encouragement: Recognition motivates volunteers and encourages continued participation and engagement in the project. When volunteers feel appreciated and valued, they are more likely to remain committed and enthusiastic about their roles.
  • Community Engagement: Recognizing volunteers engages the broader community and generates awareness about the project. It highlights the collaborative effort involved in building the playground, fostering a sense of pride and ownership among residents.
  • Inspiring Others: By highlighting the contributions of volunteers, recognition inspires others to get involved and contribute to the project. It serves as a positive example of community involvement and encourages individuals to join in the collective effort to improve public spaces.
  • Building Relationships: Recognizing volunteers strengthens relationships within the community. It fosters connections and camaraderie among volunteers, project organizers, local businesses, and residents, creating a sense of unity and cooperation.
  • Promoting Gratitude: Public recognition promotes a culture of gratitude and appreciation within the community. It reinforces the importance of recognizing the efforts of others and cultivates a supportive and positive environment for future volunteer initiatives.
  • Documentation and Legacy: Official recognition documents the contributions of volunteers for posterity and creates a lasting legacy for the project. It preserves the memory of their involvement and celebrates their role in creating a valuable community asset.



TimaruDistrictCouncil CommunityAward



RoselynFauth AliceBrice NominatedForWomanOfTheYearSouthCanterbury

 CPlay Volunteers, Roselyn Fauth and Alice Brice, who were both nominated in the 'South Canterbury International Woman of the Year Awards

Noticed damage, graffiti, rubbish etc?  Please contact Timaru District Coucil via their "Snap, Send, Solve" app or form: timaru.govt.nz/fix-it

For urgent attention phone Customer Services 03 687 7200.

You can still reach our volunteers via email, just keep in mind we are not actively monitoring our messages, so thank you for your patience if we take some time to respond. info@cplay.co.nz

1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

©2020-2025 CPlay and  Website Sponsored by Cloake Creative   Images are subject to copyright by various contributors - for the sole use of CPlay.