CPlay Projects Supporters and Contributors

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The playground was made possible by an epic community fundraising effort. 

CPlay public launch for fundraising photo Ron

Public Fundraising launch kindly hosted by Movie Max Timaru.






CPlayTeam 2020

We asked some of CPlay Volunteers why they wanted to get involved and work so hard to fundraise:
"As Timaru didn’t have anything for the children and had to go out of town to play on other playgrounds" - Leanne Prendeville

"I got involved because I thought it was an awesome idea and thought Timaru needed a better playground. Also really enjoyed the history of Timaru being brought to the playground because my family is related to Captain Mills who was a Harbour Master of Timaru, so I also loved finding out about the history of the area. My advice would be make sure you brainstorm, talk to others to get their opinions, take your time and do your research." - Sarah Dumicich-Mills

CPLAY Lynette CountingChangeFromTheCarWashFundraiser

CPlay volunteer Lynette Wilson counting change from a car wash fundraiser


CarolineBay PlaygroundUpgrade FundraisingatFireworks

Ready to go, members from the CPlay committee and Caroline Bay Association. CPlay were rapt with the opportunity to raise funds for the new Caroline Bay Playground, the first official fundraiser by the group of volunteers.


collecting at the fireworks fundraiser by caroline bay association

CPlay volunteers shaking the donation bucket at a CPlay fireworks fundraiser organized by the Caroline Bay Association


Fireworks raise 5000 Caroline Bay playground

A fundraising fireworks display at Caroline Bay, Timaru, thanks to the generosity of CBA organizers and the community. Caroline Bay rides CPlay volunteers collecting $5000 for the playground. 


CPlay FacebookCover Supporters 220614

So many people worked hard to help us fundraise and donate to the project.


Fundraising via grants Alice Brice and Chris Fauth

Fundraising via grants was a big team effort including the work put in by CPlay volunteers Alice Brice and Chris Fauth




Owen Jackson

Every donation mattered - here are preschool students with the giant cheque and CPlay chair Owen Jackson who put in huge efforts to knock on doors and raise donations.


Noticed damage, graffiti, rubbish etc?  Please contact Timaru District Coucil via their "Snap, Send, Solve" app or form: timaru.govt.nz/fix-it

For urgent attention phone Customer Services 03 687 7200.

You can still reach our volunteers via email, just keep in mind we are not actively monitoring our messages, so thank you for your patience if we take some time to respond. info@cplay.co.nz

1 Virtue Ave, Caroline Bay, Timaru
(Off SH 1, Evans St).

OPEN 7 days / 24 hrs 

©2020-2025 CPlay and  Website Sponsored by Cloake Creative   Images are subject to copyright by various contributors - for the sole use of CPlay.